Release of tests – Central de Ajuda do Aluno MBA

Release of tests

The MBA USP/Esalq has an internal standard, and missed test releases are only allowed when:

  • The student sends us a photo of the doctor’s note proving the impossibility of taking the test in the totality of or up until the end period in which the test was available;
  • The student is on maternity leave;
  • The student travels for work to a place with no access to the internet and for the entire period of the 21 days in which the test was made available, with a presentation of the company’s statement, in addition to other documents that may be requested.  

If you have been/are in any of these scenarios and already have a document in hand, send it as an attachment via email to the team responsible for the academic part of your MBA. All contacts can be found in the topics “Contact Coursemother and Coursefather Student Care”.

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